Election Reconciliation - Official Totals
Summary of Precinct Totals
Unofficial Results
Notice of Testing Ballot Marking Equipment
Notice of Testing Tabulating Equipment
Notice of General, Hospital Election
Ballot by Mail Roster
Order of Election
Sample Ballots (General and Hospital)
Ballot by Mail 10/9/2024 Ballot by Mail 10/16/2024 Ballot by Mail 10/17/2024 Ballot by Mail 10/18/2024 Ballot by Mail 10/23/2024 Ballot by Mail 10/25/2024 Ballot by Mail 10/25/2024-10/28/2024 Ballot by Mail 11/04/2024
Early Voting in Person 10/21/2024 Early Voting in Person 10/23/2024 Early Voting in Person 10/24/2024 Early Voting in Person 10/25/2024 - 10/27/2024 Early Voting in Person 10/28/2024 Early Voting in Person 10/29/2024 Early Voting in Person 10/30/2024 Early Voting in Person 10/31/2024 Early Voting in Person 11/01/2024
Prec. 3 Primary Runoff Official Totals
Republican Primary Runoff Unofficial Totals 5/28/24
Prec. 3 Runoff Election Day Totals
Prec. 3 Runoff Early Voting in Person
Early Voting by Mail, Prec 3 Runoff
Certificate of Tested Equipment/Runoff 5/16/24
Order of Republican Primary Runoff Election
City of Morton Election Reconciliation - Official Totals
Morton ISD Election Reconciliation - Official Totals
Unofficial Tally, City of Morton
Unofficial Tally, Morton ISD
Unofficial Results w/Formulas Morton ISD
Unofficial Totals/City of Morton
Notice of Partial Manual Count
Certification of Tabulating Equipment/City of Morton
Certification of Tabulating Equipment/MISD
Public Notice of Test of Automatic Tabulating Equipment
Sample Ballot/City of Morton
Sample Ballot/Morton ISD
Notice of Election Morton ISD
Notice of Election for City of Morton
Early Voting by Mail/City of Morton
Early Voting in Person/City of Morton
Early Voting in Person/Morton ISD
Early Voting by Mail/Morton ISD
Democratic Primary Official Results
Republican Primary Official Result
Republican Primary Final Results
Republican Primary Unofficial Results 3/5/24
Democratic Primary Unofficial Results 3/5/24
Republican Primary Early Voting by Mail
Democratic Early Voting by Mail
Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot Morton ISD
Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot City of Morton
Democratic Early Voting in Person Roster
Republican Early Voting in Person Roster
Certificate of Tested Equipment/Democratic
Certificate of Tested Equipment/Republican
Democratic Sample Ballot
Republican Sample Ballot
Notices of Primary Elections
Notice of Voting Priority
Order for Elections
Notice of Drawing for a Place on the Ballot held on December 21,2023 @2:00 P.M.
2024 Republican Primary Propositions
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